
Analyze transport networks with stunning accuracy and ease.

ShimbelMatrix is an application that allows you to perform shortest distance calculations in transport networks, like the London underground or the Paris public transportation system.

Best of all: ShimbelMatrix is free! It is the premium solution for penniless graduate students that need to analyze transport networks for a master thesis or two.

This software is brought to you by Molochsoft. Long live the megapolis, the Moloch!

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The application calculates the Shimbel matrix for a transport network. Explanation of the shimbel matrix for transport analysis.

The application is used as follows:

  1. Specify the transport network you want to analyze in a .csv file.

    The encoding should be line by line (tram, underground, bus, ...). The second column contains the name of the line. The first column contains the names of the different stops on that line in sequence. All other columns are ignored.
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    Things to watch out for:

    • You can put the lines in any order you want, but the stops belonging to one line have to be in order (forward or backward does not matter).
    • Make sure that you use the exact same spelling for identical stops. For instance, the application will count "Waterloo Bridge / South Bank" and "Waterloo Bridge, South Bank" as two entirely different stops, because one has a "/" character while the other contains the "," character instead! These spelling differences include spaces.
  2. To calculate the Shimbel matrix, that is the matrix of shortest distances, simply drag & drop the file onto the application. The calculation may take a little while if the network is large. For instance, the network of London takes up to 45 minutes.
  3. The application creates a file ending on "_result.csv".

    This file contains the full Shimbel matrix. Additionally, the last column and the last row contain the sum over smallest distances in that row or column, which is a good measure for the accessibility of that stop. The bottom right entry of the matrix contains the sum over all smallest distances between all pairs of stops in the network, which is a measure for the connectivity of the entire transport network.
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    Click to enlarge


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